3 bed
Captains Wood
Northwood - Stevens are delighted to bring back to the market due to fall through this lovely detached property. **Early viewing is highly recommended**
This beautifully designed home offers ample living accommodation with a fully-fitted kitchen and dining area with integrated appliances, spacious living room, downstairs cloakroom, modern bathroom and three double bedrooms with en-suite to the principle bedroom. The rear garden has been professionally landscaped, perfect for entertaining with two separate terraces, lawned areas interspersed with flower beds, yew hedging, herbaceous borders with specimen shrubs and trees. The front garden has an area of grass with small shrubbery, hedging with a pathway to the front door as well as a side path to the rear garden gate. There is driveway parking and a car barn which has secure storage area with loft storage space, power and a security light. The development benefits from super-fast broadband, subject to subscription charges, and would benefit anyone wanting to work from home.
Finberry village has been carefully designed to combine neighborhood amenities with open space, set within landscaped meadows , providing you with room to breathe. Finberry will be home to a community centre, sports facilities and public house and shops.
There is a new state of the art primary school for children aged between 4-11 years.
This property is conveniently located for easy access to the M20 junction 10, Ashford town centre, Ashford designer outlet and Ashford International Railway Station, which is only a 10 minute drive away and provides a high speed train service into London St Pabcras.
Accommodation :
Covered entrance porch
Upvc half glazed front door leading to :
Entrance Hall :
Welcoming hall with turned stairs to first floor, cloaks cupboard, doors to all principle rooms, Amtico Spacia Nordic Oak flooring.
Cloakroom :
Roca white Suite, comprising wash hand basin and W.C, Amtico Spacia Nordic Oak flooring.
Kitchen/Dining Room : 19'7 x 9'8 ( 6.0m x 3.0m )
Superb open plan kitchen with fully fitted commodore kitchen with Bosch integrated appliance including electric fan oven, gas gob, extractor fan, dishwasher and fridge freezer, space for washing machine,Stainless steel 1 1/2 bowl sink with mono block mixer tap. Separate dining area with space for large family dining table, Amtico Spacia Nordic Oak flooring, double aspect windows with fitted white wooden shutters.
Living Room : 16'11 x 12'3 (5.2m x 3.7m)
Delightful room running the width of the property, window overlooking garden with white wooden shutters and double French doors opening onto terrace. large under-stairs storage cupboard, Amtico Spacia Nordic Oak flooring.
Galleried Landing :
Built in air cupboard housing gas fired combi boiler, loft hatch with partly boarded attic.
Master Bedroom : 12'4 x 10'2 (3.8m x 3.1m )
Window to rear with white wooden shutters, built in wardrobe with sliding doors, door to en -suite.
En-Suite Shower Room :
Roca white suite comprising double shower with wash hand basin and W.C, secondary tiling, heated chrome towel rail, Amtico Spacia Nordic Oak flooring, obscure window to side elevation.
Bedroom Two : 12'2 x 8' ( 3.7m x 2.4m )
Double bedroom with window to front with white wooden shutters.
Bedroom Three : 10'7 x 8'6 (3.2 x 2.6m )
Double bedroom with window to front with white wooden shutters.
Family Bathroom : 7' x 6'9 ( 2.1 x 2.0m
Roca white suite, comprising bath with shower attachment and Roma shower screen, wash hand basin and W.C, secondary tiling, Amtico Spacia Nordic oak flooring, obscure glazed window to rear.
Outside :
Car Barn : Seperate storage area measuring 10'0'' x 8'0'' (3.048m x 2.438m) Light and power connected.
The rear garden is fully enclosed making it safe for children and pets and we understand one of the largest gardens on the development. It has also been professionally landscaped and is perfect for entertaining with two separate terraces, lawned areas interspersed with flower beds, yew hedging, herbaceous borders with specimen shrubs and trees. The front garden has an area of grass with small shrubbery with a pathway to the front door as well as a side path to the rear garden gate. There is driveway parking and a car barn which an up and over door and has loft storage space, power and a security light.
Agents Note : We understand from the owners that the existing car barn could be built over to create another bedroom subject to gaining necessary planning consent.
Estate Charges : We are informed by our vendors that there is a small charge applicable to all residents in the Finberry village, contributing to the maintenance of parks, ponds and Communal spaces. This is in the region of £400 pa to be verified by the sellers solicitor.
Should you require more information about this property please request: 'The Key Facts for Buyers Report ' Which has been specially produced to give all potential purchasers as much relevant information as possible about the property and surrounding areas that they might be considering offering on to purchase.
The Northwood - Stevens Sales team are totally committed to provide the highest level of service for potential buyers as well as our selling clients and hopefully this detailed report will help and foster your decision-making process about viewing the property and submitting an offer.
Should you require any further or assistance please do not hesitate to contact a member of the sales team.
Services: All main services connected.
Local Authority: Ashford Borough Council
Method of Sale:
This property is freehold and is offered for sale with vacant possession upon completion.
Viewings: In the first instance please contact a member of the sales team to arrange an appointment.
IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. These particulars have been prepared in good faith as a general guide, they are not exhaustive and include information provided to us by other parties including the seller, not all of which will have been verified by us. 2. We have not carried out a detailed or structural survey; we have not tested any services, appliances or fittings. Measurements, floor plans, orientation and distances are given as approximate only and should not be relied on. 3. The photographs are not necessarily comprehensive or current, aspects may have changed since the photographs were taken. No assumption should be made that any contents are included in the sale. 4. We have not checked that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation approval, statutory or regulatory permissions or consents. Any reference to any alterations or use of any part of the property does not mean that necessary planning, building regulations, or other consent has been obtained. 5. Prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection, searches, enquiries, surveys, and professional advice about all relevant aspects of the property. 6. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact; we have no authority to make or give any representation or warranties in relation to the property. If these are required, you should include their terms in any contract between you and the seller.
MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to complete a 'Personal Risk Assessment' or produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
Council tax band: E, Tenure: Freehold, EPC rating: B